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The beginning of marketing research

The beginning of marketing research

Marketing research nowadays is a lot of effort and time, because attracting a large audience for this or that product is not an easy process now, competitors are found as soon as the demand increases and we have to literally fight for every customer. Unlike the first marketing research, modern marketing includes: economics, psychology, sociology and statistics and the status of the profession has grown to enormous proportions. This direction is rapidly developing in almost all the un and is improving every day, but in practice it is not as easy as in the classroom. How to properly organize and conduct research will help you best research paper writing service.

Before you start market research, you need to know what to study, you need a specific problem to solve. Such problems can be many, it may be the negative growth rate, falling sales, attracting a different audience than expected, and so on. When the root of the problem to be solved is identified, you can begin marketing research.

The second step is to make a list of all the ways in which you can solve this or that problem, go through all the possible options, and find what might have influenced the emergence of this problem. The solutions are not always obvious, so in some cases it is necessary to do a more thorough research, in all directions and areas which are used in the company, and its interaction with internal and external trade. Finding the cause is one of the most time-consuming elements of marketing research. Such a reason is mostly competitors and the main goal is to find and circumvent them.

The next step is to develop a way to solve this problem. There can be several solutions and different directions. It can be related to foreign trade, internal changes in the company, foreign trade and export, etc. In fact, there can be a lot of them and they can be completely different and unexpected. The development of a solution to a problem consists of a large chain of research, each point of which is aimed at solving a particular problem. As a result of this chain, it becomes clear which company will be able to solve the problem and which solution will fit the budget.

After all of this is the collection of data on all of the selected problem areas. This stage is very time-consuming and financially demanding. Full monitoring of selected competitors or identified problems is carried out and collected all in a huge characteristic, from which in the future will be formed the task of solving.

Having understood the essence of the problem it is necessary to determine the method of its solution and to form and distribute tasks. The most appropriate method at the moment is chosen, and figuratively speaking, a blow to the weaknesses that have been identified. Such weak points can be: characteristics of the interested audience, competitors' brand level, consumer indicators, problematic region, etc.

Marketing myths

Marketing is the life of the whole enterprise, not just one department, because everyone is connected. Someone calculates how much to sell this or that product, and someone directly communicates with the buyer and sells it, there is a department of delivery, quality, guarantees and others. In other words, all the departments work closely with each other and at the output you get the result which directly affects your business.

Marketing is just advertising

Advertising is just a way to attract the buyer or the customer, depending on the kind of activity of your company or firm. It's also noteworthy that advertising is not always the most successful way to get results, in different spheres of activity, different ways of promotion, it can be internet promotion or a completely unexpected PR move.  In other words, people who are engaged in what is the best research paper writing service, aim at finding sales or realization of their products, and the way is already secondary.

Marketing is not the main thing

Many people try to sell a product without researching the market of consumers, their desires and expectations, and this in turn can lead to a drop in sales, or in the worst case, to the collapse of the company. No matter how many people are involved in the sale, if you do not understand what the customer really wants from the product, the result can not be achieved. Therefore, market and consumer research is worth even before the company begins to emerge, because it may be that there is no point in doing it. In any case, these all the nuances to find out before any capital is invested. 

A good product will sell itself

Whatever unique and useful product you have on the market, there will be ten or even more competitors who will come up with something completely new. For example, you grew a blue watermelon and sales began, and someone came up with the idea to dye the usual or even better grew multi-colored watermelon and your sales declined. Today, when there is virtually no shortage of goods, in the research and promotion of the product will have to invest.

Sell or buy, there is no difference

It's no secret that marketing in today's world is important to both those who sell and those who buy. Different marketing research tools are used for both. Each tool is adapted to a particular line of business, and they overlap only occasionally because they all work with different products and with different types of buyers and suppliers.

We named only the main myths, in fact, there are many. Do your market research and take each case seriously. You can also feel free to contact us for such services, we can help you understand and investigate any field of activity.

Our company Essay Map has been doing market research in different areas and directions for over 6 years. So if your company has any unpredictable difficulties or needs to solve an unsolvable problem, please contact us, we will be glad to help you.

Useful materials:




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